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- Trial Court Budget Commission
Trial Court Budget Commission
Meeting Notice
The next Trial Court Budget Commission meeting is scheduled for March 6, 2025. For other information, please contact Kelsey Harper at (850) 410-3376 or harperk@lqqqhuanbao.com.
Summary of Functions
The Trial Court Budget Commission is charged with specific responsibility to:
- Establish budgeting and funding policies and procedures consistent with judicial branch plans and policies, directions from the supreme court, and in consideration of input from supreme court committees and from the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges and the Florida Conference of County Court Judges
- Make recommendations to the supreme court on the trial court component of the annual judicial branch budget request
- Advocate for the trial court component of the annual judicial branch budget request and associated statutory changes
- Make recommendations to the supreme court on funding allocation formulas and budget implementation
- Monitor trial court expenditure trends and revenue collections
- Recommend statutory and rule changes related to trial court budgets
- Develop recommended responses to findings on financial audits and reports
- Recommend to the supreme court trial court budget reductions required by the legislature
- Identify potential additional sources of revenue for the trial courts
- Recommend to the supreme court legislative pay plan issues for trial court personnel, except the commission shall not make recommendations as to pay or benefits for judges.
Additional Materials
- Administrative Orders
- Commission Membership Listing
- Meeting Materials
- Meeting Minutes
- Operational Procedures
- Summaries of TCBC Budget Decisions Made
Committees of the TCBC
Last Modified: February 19, 2025